Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Resolutions and Winter Break

To start 2011, I have made two resolutions. Resolutions are like goals. It is important to have resolutions or goals because:

- It gives you direction to life
- It motivates you to do something good for yourself and others
- It helps you get what you want from life
- It saves time
- It reduces stress
- It gives you a sense of accomplishment when you achieve your goal

My resolutions:

My first resolution is to always try to do my best in everything. This is a really important resolution because by trying my best for everything, I can improve my grades. Grades are very important because it can influence what you do. Your grade not only affects your future but also your self-esteem. If you always get failing grades, you might keep thinking that you are stupid and dumb. When you think negative thoughts, negative things are most likely to happen to you. If I always try to do my best, I can avoid having little self-esteem and be proud of myself. By trying to do my best in everything also allows me to be a happier person. It will make me a happier person because I will have nothing to regret if I fail to do something. I believe that it is always the effort that counts, not the success.

My second resolution is to try to have a better attitude towards everything. This is an important resolution because it will help me to have more friends, be happier, and more successful. My dad always tells me that what you do is only one half of success. The other half is your attitude. No one likes a grumpy or mean person. If I have to good attitude towards everything, it will also help me to think positively. When you think positively, it means that you are thinking on the bright side. It is important to think on the bright side because it will help you to accept new things easier. It will also help you to be an easy-going person. Being an easy-going person makes others like you more.

My two resolutions for 2011 will help me to become a better person to others and myself.

The most exiting part of my winter break would be when my family and I had a party on the 24th until the 26th. This party was special because it was not only to celebrate Christmas but also my sister's birthday (which is on Christmas day). To celebrate, my parents rented a chalet and invited all of our five aunts, five uncles, and fourteen cousins to come and stay over for three days and two nights. The first few hours of the party were not very fun because all we did was unpack and talk. During the night, we had a barbecue. There was tons of food and everyone was happy. Towards the end of the barbecue, my parents brought a cake for my sister. We sang Happy Birthday and then came the fun part. We toke the whip cream of our pieces of cake and smeared it all over my sister's face! Later, my sisters and I went back into the chalet where my cousins, Justina and Felicia, taught us how to play a fun card game based on strategy. The card game was called DEAL and it was made to be like Monopoly. It is really popular in Singapore right now. My cousins, sisters, and I played that game until one in the morning.

On the next day after we ate breakfast, we all went to play bowling. We played two separate games, one for the good players and one for the okay players. Everyone played two games in total. One was just a trial and the other was a competition but you don't win anything. I played with the okay group and for the first game, my sister, Melissa, won. But on the second game, Flora and I tied for first place. In the night, we had a barbecue again. This time, some people had left so it was not as crowded as it was the last night. When nearly everyone was in the chalet, Melissa and I came out to help with the barbecue. My parents let us tend the fire. When we got tired, we went back into the chalet and played a few rounds of DEAL with our cousins. When I woke up next morning, I found that all of my relatives were gone. They had all waken up early to go to church. My family and I packed up, checked out of the chalet, and drove back to Malaysia.

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