Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Collaborating Constructively in Literature Circles with a Twist

For literature circles with a twist, instead of filling out the discussion sheet by ourselves, we had to work with a partner. To do this, we had to collaborate constructively. My partner and I both had to pick on passage and write about why we picked it, think of one question, do one response to the question, one connection, and one vocabulary.

What are the benefits of working with a classmate?
There were a lot of benefits from working with a classmate. One of them was that you didn't have to do as much work. When you work with a partner, you only have to do half the amount of work. Before we started working with a classmate for literature circles, we all had to do two of everything. Now all we have to do is one of everything, which is much easier. This is very helpful because you can spend more time editing your work. Another of the benefits of working with a partner is that you get a lot of helpful feedback. This can help us get a higher grade. For example, when my partner read my passage and noticed a few grammar mistakes. With her help, I fixed them. If I hadn't fixed my mistakes, I would have gotten points of from them, giving me a lower grade. The last benefit of working with a classmate is that it makes you do your work on time. It makes you do your work on time because if you don't, your partner would remind you at school. It is good to have someone to remind you to do your work because sometimes to forget and have to rush to do it at the last minute. Having someone to work with you is really helpful because they help to improve your grade.

What are some of the challenges and obstacles which you overcame or tried to overcome?
There were a few challenges that I had to overcome on the way. One of them was my question. I find it really hard to think of a level three question. At first, my question was only at level two. To get it a little higher to a level three, instead of asking my partner (she wasn't online at that time), I asked my sister instead. She helped me by giving me feedback. Another challenge that I faced was that my partner didn't do her work according to the recommended daily workload. I got worried that she had forgot to do her part and told her to do it the next day. Though my partner started doing filling in her part on the discussion sheet on Friday, she still did a really good job.

What are some of the new understandings that you gained about the novel?
There are many new things that I learned that helped me understand the novel better. But all the new information that I learned was not from working with a partner. This was because my partner and I both think from the same view. One of the things that I learned was that Captain Jaggery is a murderer. The captain killed Cranick by shouting him with a pistol. This was very surprising to me because I thought that Captain Jaggery was a gentleman and a gentleman would never do that. Even though it was surprising to me that the captain is a murderer, it fits right into place and I finally know the answer to the mystery of who is the "bad guy." Another thing that I learned is how brave Charlotte is. Charlotte had whipped Captain Jaggery on accident and got him really angry. Though she knew that she had made the captain really angry, Charlotte still managed to find the courage to go and apologize to him. This is really brave of Charlotte because she knows that Captain Jaggery is a murderer and could murder her at any moment. I have learned a lot of things that have helped me understand the book much better.

Collaborating constructively really helped me to improve in filling out the discussion sheets. Learning to work together is very important because by working together, it makes your job easier and better.

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