Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Spreading Hope Through Education

Gaining access to education is a major problem in today’s society. About 121 million children around the world cannot go to school due to poverty, registration issues and lack of schools (global issues). In Batey Cuchilla, Dominican Republic, most of the children do not go to school because they are not officially registered or do not have a birth certificate. Francia Simon used to be one of these children, but when she finally succeeded in obtaining official registration, nationality, and a birth certificate, she decided to help others around her gain birth certificates too, so that they can have access to education and health care.

Francia became motivated and inspired to help others when she almost lost the chance to attend school because she didn’t have a birth certificate. She was constantly pressured by the teachers as she needed a birth certificate to continue in school. But Francia didn't give up, instead she spent hours researching and gathering as much information as she could about official registration and how to get a birth certificate. "Then when she had her own, she saw that other boys and girls within the community don't have their own birth certificate and couldn't go to school." (empower news) Through this experience, Francia discovered the importance of education and how fortunate she is to be able to attend school as there are many children who cannot get education. She also realized that she has the power to help others like her to gain official registration and access to education and health care. Francia had no one to assist and guide her when she was going through this situation and doesn't want the other children to face the same thing she did. Francia hopes to spread her story around the world and help other children to receive birth certificates, "so that they can achieve their goals of becoming engineers, architects, etc" (children’s peace prize). She aims to inspire others to get their basic rights of education and health care and to give them hope of a better and brighter future. Francia is determined obtain access for all of the children to go to school and notifies parents on their child’s right to be registered. By doing this, Francia provides others with a chance for a more promising future.

Francia is a source of hope and a chance to have a brighter future to many poverty stricken refugees and migrants by helping others gain access to education and health care. Many of the children living in the bateyes of the Dominican Republic are without birth certificates, official names or nationalities. Without these essential things, the children cannot have access to education or health care (kid’s rights). Francia not only acknowledged this situation as a major problem but strived to fix it as well. Though Francia has no control over the law that children cannot go to school if they don't have birth certificates, she can help others to be officially recognized. Since she herself has gone through the process of gaining official registration, Francia guides other families through the procedure and teaches them about the rights to get education and health care. Francia believes that it is important to have official registration, name and nationality as it “increases the children’s own self-esteem and gives them the chance to lead a more secure and fulfilling life” (kid’s rights). She knows that education can help to get the children better jobs and more money to support their families when they get older, eventually breaking them out of poverty. Furthermore, Francia believes education will raise the children's self esteem as it will give them hope for a better future beyond poverty and scavenging for food.

Francia's dedication, compassion, and efforts has allowed the Batey children of the Dominican Republic to have an opportunity to live a more fulfilling life. By helping the children gain official registration, nationality and a birth certificate, she not only provided them with access to education and health care but hope as well. Francia gave the children hope for a better future, access to a healthier lifestyle, and a chance to learn. She is an amazing and inspirational person who fully deserved to win the International Children’s Peace Prize in 2010.

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