Saturday, November 5, 2011

Take a Stand

Hundreds of public libraries in the United Kingdom are threatened to close down due to the lack of people visiting them. This makes the government feel that there are no need for the libraries and that they are a waste of space. The budget needed to sustain the libraries are high so they think that it will be more advantageous to use the land for something else. Fortunately, many people are protesting at all corners of the nation causing the government to reconsider their decisions. 

I strongly disagree with closing of libraries in the United Kingdom. Libraries not only let people read books for free but also let them have internet access. Some people cannot afford to buy books for themselves and rely on public libraries for reading materials. Others who don't have internet where they live and come to libraries to do research for school projects and assignments. Closing down libraries means preventing people from reading and making it harder for them to excel in school.
Reading is very important in life because it can teach us what is right and what is wrong. History is written in books and when we read them, we can know not to make the same mistakes as people in the past did, reading makes us wiser.
Books are also a source of inspiration. It causes people to think and question, and without these traits, we will never move forward in life. Many inventors read books to help them figure out how things function and how to improve them but without the books, they won’t be able to create new machines to make life easier.
Reading is also entertaining and educational for both children and adults. When you read, your vocabulary expands and you become better at writing stories and essays. Studies have shown that people who read all four types of reading materials, books, magazines, newspapers, and encyclopedias, scored higher than those who don't read. Books can be entertaining and a better way to past time than watching television as well. To some people, books are who they confined to when they are stress and want to escape reality. Taking away libraries is like taking away a friend to them. Public libraries benefit people a lot and it is wrong to close them down.

"To read is to fly; it is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experiences and the fruits of many inquiries." - A. C. Grayling


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