Sunday, April 3, 2011

Jonas' Letter

Dear Father,

     By the time you read this letter, I will be on my way to Elsewhere. It was a hard decision to make, leaving everyone behind, but I had to. I can't live in world with no colors or feelings, not anymore. I know that you don't understand what I am saying. You think that you do have feelings, but you are wrong. What you and everyone else in the community feel is very shallow and easy to resolve. True feelings and emotions are not like that. Also, I want to live in a world where people love me. Remember the time when I asked you and mother if you loved me? You told me that love was a word so meaningless that it has become nearly obsolete and to use more precise language next time. You had no idea how much that hurt me, but of course, I don't blame you for you didn't know any better.
    There so much that I have learnt that I want to share with everyone and feelings are just one of them. Color is also something that I want to share with you and everyone else. When I turned twelve and received my assignment as the new receiver of memories, the Chief Elder said that I had the capacity to see beyond. What she meant was that I could see color, which is a quality that everything has. We do not have this in the community but we should because color is so beautiful and it makes things special and unique. Have you noticed how everything in the community is so similar? It is because of the sameness that we chose to have a long, long time ago. Now everything is the same, no one can be unique in how they look or what they do anymore. I am going to change that.
     I also want you to know that I have taken Gabriel with me on my journey to Elsewhere. If I didn't you would have killed him. Yes father, I know that releasing someone means killing him or her. I saw you murder the new born twin a few weeks ago and all I have to say about that is how could you kill innocent people and be okay with that? They have done nothing wrong and you take their chance of living away from them. This is one of the reasons why I had to leave. I needed to stop the community from killing the innocent. Please, stop murdering people. It is not right and everyone should have the chance to live.
     Thank The Giver for me because he has helped me understand so much and to gain wisdom. The Giver comforted me when I felt pain and gave me happiness. Tell Asher and Fiona that I am sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to them in person and that I will miss them. Lastly, thank Lily and Mother for everything that they have done for me.
     I have learned so much from my training as the new receiver of memories and I wish to share it with everyone in the community. Like The Giver said before, "The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It is the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared." That is what I'm trying to do now and someday, I hope that you will thank me for this.


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