Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Understanding the Past

How can understanding the past, help us understand our world?

Understanding the past helps us understand the world we live in now much better. Have you ever wondered how humans looked like 3 million years ago? Have you ever thought about how we make tools like knifes and swords? Without the past, we might never know or understand why. 

Another thing that makes understanding t he past important is our beliefs. If we didn't understand the past, it would be very hard to be religious. Most, if not all, religions are to do with the past. By understanding the past, we can understand the religions better.

Understanding the past means that we can also learn from it. We learn a lot from the past to help us understand our world better. We take things like spears to understand how to hunt. We study the mistakes and the wrong that ancient humans did, so that we won't make the same mistakes.

Understanding the past is like understanding a map. It can help us and guide us into the future. But sometimes, there are missing pieces in the map. We will have guess what to do. Sometimes we do not guess right and take the wrong path, but that is okay. We can retrace our steps and go another way. That way, people of the future will know what way was right. 

Understanding the past will help us understand what kind of world we are living in.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Historian, Archeologist, or Geographer


If I had to choose to be either a archeologist, historian, or a geographer it would be a historian. But it is not because I really like to write down history but because the other two jobs kind of scares me. Like an archeologist. They dig up bones and find plates and books that someone used a long, long time ago. I find it a little creepy to dig up and find a skull of a person who died. Most people would say, what's so scary about being a geographer? Well I think that it is scary because you would be standing, lets say in a desert. You study about your surroundings and find that the ancient egyptians used to be buried here! That would be scary. So that leaves me with the historian.

A historian is someone who studies and writes about history. I think that it will be best for me to be a historian out of the three social scientist because I prefer to stay indoors. For a archeologist and a geographer, they have to go out almost all day to do their job. I also think that the historian is the best match for me because I like learning about history. I especially like learning about all the silly things that people used to think was real, like witchcraft. I always ask myself, where did they get those ideas from? Another reason why I want to be a historian is because I like reading books. I don't get bored of sitting around and reading or writing all day. 

If I had to be a social scientist, I would choose to be a HISTORIAN.


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Saturday, August 7, 2010


My name is Josephine. I come from Singapore but I am currently living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I go to middle school at ISKL. I have been in Kuala Lumpur for 7 years now. Before coming here, I lived in Singapore for 3 years. There are five people in my family, my dad, my mom, my two older sisters, and me.

The last three books that I have read are:
- The Rope Trick by Lloyd Alexander
- A Little Princess by Frances Hodson Burnett
- Number the Stars by Lois Lowry

The last movie that I saw was Avatar. Avatar was directed by James Cameron. It is a really nice show. The plants in the show were amazing!

My academic goal this year is to improve my grammar skills and to get good grades (A or above) for all my subjects.

My social goal this year is to make a lot of new friends. I also want to try to be nice to everyone, even if I don't know them.

My favorite vacation memory was when my family and I went to Redang for snorkeling. We got to see a lot of cool and unusual fish. We also got to swim in the middle of the ocean! My family and I stayed in redang for 3 days and 2 nights.

Five adjectives that can describe me are:
- Organized
- Impatient
- Sensible
- Nice
- Quiet

Thanks for reading my first blog post.

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