Thursday, May 26, 2011

Greek Myth Trailer

For humanities, we had to create a trailer for either a greek, chinese, australian aboriginal, or an egyptian myth. I chose to do it about a greek myth. Here is where I got my pictures and music.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Reflections and Comments on Sixth Grade

This year in sixth grade has gone by so fast and I feel I have accomplished and learned so much. It has been a year of changes, freedom, and responsibility. I have made many new friends and been though lots of exiting adventures like Malaysia Week. For our final blog post, we were asked to answer some questions in well-structured paragraphs. 

What piece of work and learning are you most proud of? Explain.
The work that I am most proud of this year would be the Egyptian Diaries which was part of the Ancient Egypt unit. For this project, we had to write three diary entries about the daily life of a ancient egyptian. Each of us got specific jobs to write about and I got a peasant/farmer. I am proud of my final work because it was really hard for me to think in the same point of view as a peasant. Also, I didn't know anything about farmers, what tools they used, or what they were like. To create a successful diary entry, I had to think like a farmer and how happy I would be if my crops this year were good and abundant. I am proud of what I have managed to accomplish though I do think that I could have improved my work by adding more voice to it.

What was your greatest challenge? Explain.
My greatest challenge would be the Ancient Civilization Tic-Tac-Toe which I work with Abhi and Tiffany on. We decided to each do one project so I did the Travel Webpage. At first, I thought that it would be really easy to to create a fifteen-day educational tour to China but it wasn't. I found it really difficult to find tourist attractions that were a reasonable distance from one another. Also, I had to research to find out what the opening and closing time was for each of the places we were going to and make sure that the tour was also fun and interesting.

Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
Something I learnt about myself this year as I learner would be that I work better in a quiet environment where I can concentrate without distraction. I say this because I noticed that my work, especially my writing, have less mistakes and get a better grade when I'm not distracted and can focus just on what I am doing. Another thing I learnt about myself would be that if I approach an assignment or a new idea in a positive attitude (although I may not like it), I would enjoy what I am doing more and at the same time learn better and end out liking what I did not before. As a learner, I think that I can improve by using my time more efficiantly. I think this because many of the work and assignments we do, like literature circles, requires me to think and explain my ideas and that is sometimes time consuming.

Could be improved
Perfect- the model student

I think that my behavior is perfect because I behave well when the teachers are around and when they are not.

Actively participate in class

I feel that my participation in class is satisfactory, not the best but not the worst either. I think this because I do participate in class discussions but only when I know what I am saying is correct and I don't  participate when I do not know the answer.

Needs serious help
I'm super organized

I evaluated myself as super organized because I always keep my locker and binder clean. I also organize my time so that I can do all my homework before it is due.

Needs serous help
I always go above and beyond what is required

I think that I am in between satisfactory and always going above and beyond what is required because I only sometimes go above and beyond what is required.

Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for seventh grade.

1. My first goal is to participate more in class. This goal is important and will help me improve because by participating in class discussions will mean that I will always be paying attention when the teacher or my peers are talking.

2. My second goal for seventh grade is to always go above and beyond what is required. I want to be above satisfactory for my effort because it will help me to get better grades.

Is there more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?
There isn't actually anything that I would like the teachers to know except that I really, really don't like it when teachers tell me to write a story without giving me a topic to write about. I don't like it because first of all, I am not creative so I find it difficult to find a topic to write about, and secondly, I don't like writing stories (I prefer essays).

What was your favorite activity lesson in Humanities this year? What did you enjoy about it?
My favorite lesson this year would be the Tic-Tac-Toe because we got to choose our and what assignments we wanted to do. In my opinion, it is much better to let us decide who what we want to do for our assignments because then we can choose what we want to do based on our talents, for example if you are good at drawing, then you can make a comic strip.

What activity do you wish we could have spent more time on?
I think that we should spend more time on the narrative and less time on the ancient egyptian diaries. We should spend more time on the imaginative narrative because it would have helped us a lot with our ancient egyptian diaries. I still remember that when you (Mr. Thomas) read our imaginative narratives, you said that most of them were just sequences of events and not a story. If we had worked more on the narratives and gotten it right the first time, then we wouldn't take such a long time to finish our ancient egyptian diaries.

Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school. What advice would you give the class of 2018?
An advice that I would tell the cast of 2018 is to always do your work ahead of time, never leave it to the last minute. I have never experienced this but your grade will go down if you don't hand in an assignment on time. Also, I would advice the class of 2018 to use their planners because not many teachers update moodle.