Wednesday, February 16, 2011

iMovie Grading

For Humanities, we had to grade our classmates and our own iMovies. Each were about a different pharaoh. The five different pharaohs are Hatshepsut, Tutankhamun, Cleopatra, Khufu, and Ramesese II.

Here is the link to my iMovie Rubric:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Hatshepsut Imovie

Above is my group's imovie about Hatshepsut, the first female pharaoh. Enjoy!

City Connection Reflection

A few weeks ago, we were learning about what makes countries successful or not. There was a simple answer to this which is geography. Where a country is in the world plays a big role in their economy and warfare. Our project was to research about a country which you have lived in and create and present a presentation on why your country is geographically lucky. I did mine on Singapore, a country with no natural resources but is still successful.

What do you believe that you did well on the project?
I think that I did well on the appearance of my presentation. I chose a background which was not distracting for the audience, a font that was easy to read, and a font color that was readable against the background. The background you choose is very important because asides from making the presentation look more appealing, it can also distract the audience. For example, if you have a colorful background with lots of animation and pictures, the audience is most likely to pay attention to the background instead of listening to you speak. This is bad because there is no point in presenting if no one is going to listen and learn something from you. Choosing a font that is easy to read and a readable font color are also important because the information that you put on a slide are the key points in your presentation. They are the facts that you would want your audience to remember. Also, if the audience doesn't understand something you said, they might look at the slides, which will be no use to them if they cannot read it. I thought that I did a good job on picking a reasonable background, font, and font color for y presentation.

What would you do to improve for future presentations/projects?

One thing that I thought I didn't do very well was presenting. When it was my turn to present, I was a little nervous so I think that I talked too quietly and too quickly. This is bad because it makes it harder for others to hear what I was trying to say. The next time I present something, I need to speak with a clear, loud voice so that everyone can hear and understand. During my presentation, I also think that I might have left out a few details about Singapore. This was because I was rushing because I wanted my presentation to be over. This is a mistake that I will need to fix next time because the details that I missed could have been important. The next time I have to present something, I will learn from my mistakes and speak loudly, clearly, and not rush.

What did you learn from your preparation (for your presentation) in addition to the presentations of others?
I learned a lot of new and interesting facts about Singapore while I was preparing for my presentation. One of the things that I learnt was that a long time ago, Singapore had a few natural resources. Though Singapore had very little, they still had a few small crops and wild animals to survive on. Another thing that I learned from preparing for my presentation was that the Singapore port was one of the busiest ports in the world. This means that Singapore gets a lot of profit from it. One thing that I learned from watching my peers' presentations was to have a note card with important facts on it while presenting. Some people in the class did not have a note card and forgot what to say. This was embarrassing for them and made the audience lose interest in the presentation. When I compared the presentations of students with note card and the one without, I realized that even though the note card looked small and not useful, it made a huge difference.

What is your analysis of your performance?
I think that I did a fairly good job on my presentation. I think this because I thought that I had interesting facts that supported the reasons why Singapore was geographically lucky. When my presentation was done, I also checked the rubric to make sure that I didn't miss out on anything. I thought that I did an okay job in presenting, only having a few mistakes of pronunciation and speaking a little to softly. I thought that I did well in explaining what Singapore does to make it a successful nation. Though my presentation may have a few mistakes, I think that I did a fairly good job.

Link to My Presentation:

Graphic Citations: